Institute of Ecological Synergy

Keywords: Educational Institute, Organic, Natural Farming, Sustainable

Abstract: This document describes the formation of a non-profit corporate institution for the teaching and implimentation of Ecological-Synergy(tm) principles for long-term sustainable agriculture. It contains a synopsis of historical perspectives on the perceived necessity for such an institute coming into existence. Short-term objectives are described. Communications from interested parties are requested.

This corporation is to be named "Morning Star Institute of Ecological Synergy", and will be a research and teaching establishment.

Ecological-Synergy(tm) is defined as a system using a specified collection of techniques and knowledge to foster various lifeforms into functional communities which promote optimal conditions for long-term sustainable human habitation and agricultural productivity. An ecologically synergistic community is composed of microscopic lifeforms, plants, insects, livestock and people. Nothing is taken away by the introduction of Ecological-Synergy(tm) -- one more option has been added.

There are multiple reasons why this organization should exist. "Organic" farming as popularized by the Rodale publishing family has tended over decades of evolution to move into directions which have become "phamaceutical quality", which is a standard of purity so extreme that few farmers care to try to qualify. As a consequence, growth of organic certified farming has grown very slowly. Oregon Tilth, for example only certifies about 200 farms after twenty years of operation, or about 10 per year average growth.

The recent flap over national FDA "organic" standards demonstrates that the organic label is subject to local variations, and that there is wide divergence in opinions as to what constitutes a reliable safe food supply. There is room in all this diversity for yet another informed opinion. Morning Star Institute of Ecological Synergy (I.E.S.) is created for the purpose of being a repository of knowledge of ecological synergy interactions of lifeforms; to perform research, tests and experiments; teach important principles and techniques; and publish and distribute knowledge in forms easily understood. There is room in America for another voice.

Like Rodale Institute, which has an experimental farm, and unlike Oregon Tilth, which has no experimental farm, I.E.S. will have an experimental farm(s) which will test competing theories to produce definitive results. These results will be available to fill the vacuum presently occupied by superstition and unfounded biases.

Dividing wealth into two parts, physical and metaphysical (knowledge), I.E.S. is dedicated to multiplying both types. Ecological-Synergy(tm) knowledge and techniques have already proven effective in past tests, but there was not an entity to act as a repository of this knowledge. The non-profit corporate structure provides the vessel to add this knowledge to the permanent planetary metaphysical commonwealth.

I.E.S. has additional puroses, including to develop, protect, license, and impliment techniques and related knowledge which safeguard ecological relationships and enhances them. I.E.S. is charged with helping in developing small business owner-operated farms, researching replacements of satisfactory or superior substitutes for known ecology damaging lifestyles and practices, to render obsolete destructive practices and mindsets, to protect species at risk plus their habitat essential conditions, to provide alternative economic incentives to promote biodiversity, and to promote legislative reforms necessary for healthy ecological perpetuation.

This is a full plate, and can keep an Institute busy for generations. Morning Star I.E.S. is to be endowed with donations of intellectual property by founder Lion Kuntz, which if developed under I.E.S. charter can provide financial and material security for the early period of the organization's progress. Initial progress will follow opportunities which present themselves, mindful to keep to the stated purposes of the organization.

Persons committed to human participation in sustainable communities of lifeforms, protecting endangered species, cultivating reliable safe food supplies and all related subjects are invited to communicate via email.

Thank You for your interest, Sincerely, Lion Kuntz
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