My name is Lion Kuntz, currently in the Eugene, Western-Central Oregon area, USA. I move around the country, supporting myself through construction work, gardening-yard work, odd jobs,handyman, computer tutor or whatever I find available. At this writing it was just September, so a lot of people were getting their roofs in shape for the wet winter weather ahead, so I did roofs in Aloha, Portland, Drain, and Eugene, plus built trusses for a Jubitz truckstop at Western Wood Structures, helped a plumber on a Safeway remodel at Jantzen Beach, dismantled an old store in Portland to recycle 95 year-old cedar lumber.

Wherever I go I feed the birds and wild animals. I grew quite a crop of backyard birds in Pensacola, Florida over the winter and summer just past, feeding 50 pounds of wild bird seeds and 25 pounds of sunflower seeds weekly. I had four different flocks going there. It was a real treat to count 31 cardinals together at once on my front lawn one morning -- every bird book will tell you these are solitary birds who fight at feeders. Last fall I had at least fifteen deer visiting me almost daily in Williams, Oregon, plus my usual flock of wild birds. They were a thrill to let me get so close -- fifteen or 20 feet, and taught me much that you will never learn from naturalist books or nature channels.

At 52 years old I have lived in many big cities (N.Y.C., Seattle, Los Angeles, Albuquerque, Boston, Portland) and in many small towns (Occidental, CA., Marblemount, WA.) and have even camped out in the woods for a six month stretch. I now find that cities have no allure for me.

In the past two years I have travelled about 50,000 miles, from Bellingham, WA., to Pensacola, FL., looking for an opportunity to demonstrate Ecological Synergy. So far, I have no visible results of this effort.

In times past I have spent over $90,000 on rents to keep one address in San Francisco for eleven years. I have even less to show for that effort. Renting is out of the question for demonstrating Ecological Synergy, which is a PERMANENT farming system.

I have over the decades been associated with "Intentional Communities", which varied in theme and purpose. I am fairly convinced that the intentional community route is the way I want to go. This webpage is an attempt to locate sympatico people.

I have built houses and one church (actually, part of a construction crew who built them) and have carpentry, roofing, painting, some concrete forms and finishing, and general construction skills to offer. I also had my own software business (computer fonts) for ten years and have computer skills (going more obsolete every day.) I first used the Internet prototype at NASA in 1973, and ran a computer BBS out of my home for four years in the mid-eighties. I made some contributions to the early computer revolution -- in a sense, I am inside millions of computers everyday.

I don't have a computer of any kind. I don't even have a wall to plug one into if I had a computer. I use public libraries, cyber-cafes, rentals or any borrowed computer time for access to create and maintain this homepage and Life Saviors website. Thank You, Eugene Free Community Network and others for hosting this website. I have driven as much as 250 miles to get a day of computer time.

I know there are extremes of people: some have a preponderance of goodness in them; some are full of putrefaction; with a bell curve between the extremes which combine varying degrees of both extremes. It is the good ones I want to locate and spend time with. They are the kind who are the Life Saviors who will change the direction of the world.

Because of my travels I get exposed to local reports which never get circulated nationally. All areas are hurting and the causes are complex and deep. Life Saviors cannot undo all that, but they can create a network of "island" which are immune to much of the factors crushing life in all directions. At some point a "Critical Mass" of "ENOUGH" people will be resisting the destruction so that it halts. That is what I work for. That is what my life has been all about. That is who I am.

Thanks for vising my homepage and Life Saviors website.

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